Opinion & Insights

Published on June 12th, 2015 | by lawilink


mount mulanje Malawi

Hastings & Zac from the lawilink team travelled to mount mulanje Malawi, for a team brake which didn’t last long as we hooked up with the local communities.  We travelled through the fields of tea on to the mount then through the surrounding villages. Eating goat, pork and my favourite fried cassava!! Every were we were greeted with a rainbow of tastes sounds and friendship. We ended our journey linking up with a family actively protecting the local area and creating a safe haven for some of the albino people who can face discrimination fuelled by superstition and a lack of understanding and education. The resulting journey has led to Lawilink to team up with the queen Elisabeth hospital in Blantyre to bring a team down to cover the grass roots organisation and supply medical care and education. There will be for stories coming up the first visit will be today but in the meantime take a look at some of the images from the day.



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One Response to mount mulanje Malawi

  1. January says:

    I cannot tell a lie, that really hepeld.

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